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陳彥豪 Dr. Howard Chen
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Fields of teaching: News editing and information design, news reporting and new media.
* PeoPo新聞網客座總編輯
* 中時電子報,中時集團時報資訊公司, 副總經理兼中時電子報總編輯
* 南澳洲時報總主筆兼任副總編輯
* 中華民國公共電視記者、製作人
* 中國時報網路事業集團編輯部副總監與兼任寬頻策略小組召集人
* 中國時報記者與主編
* 中華電視公司海外特派員
* 華人基督徒網路協會發起人
* 全球華人傳播協會常務理事暨發起人
* 天聲傳播協會, 資深製作人兼廣播節目主持人
* 台大新聞所助理教授
Personal Record:
* PeoPo News Guest editor
* Deputy General Manager and Editor-In−Chief of the China Times Interactive (a China Times Media Group company)
* Chief Writer and Deputy Editor-In-Chief of the South Australia Times
* Taiwan Public Television System (R.O.C.), Reporter and Producer
* Associate Director and Chief of Broadband Internet Task Force in China Times Interactive (a China Times Media Group company)
* Chief Editor and Reporter of the China Times
* Correspondent of the Chinese Television System (Micro view TV project)
* Founding member of the Chinese Christian Network Development Association
* Executive Director and Founding member of the Global Chinese Broadcast association
* Senior Advisor and Program Host of the Heaven Voice Foundation
* Professor of the Graduate Institute of Journalism National Taiwan University
澳洲未來領袖(Future Leader)獎(澳洲南澳大利亞大學)(2006)
International Business School PhD (University of South Australia, Australia) (2008)
International Business School PhD (University of South Australia, Australia) (2007)
Ambassador of the UniSA Business School (University of South Australia, Australia) (2007)
Future Leader recognition award (University of South Australia, Australia) (2006)
Distinguished Public Service Award (South Australia Adelaide City Hall) (2006)
Special Contribution to Computer Science Education (1997)
Central News Agency Hsiao T'ung-tsu Journalist award (1995)
1.2008,Chen, Y-HH & Corkindale, D (2008), 'Towards an understanding of the behavioral intention to use online news services: An exploratory study', Internet Research.
2.2011,Chen, Y-H & Corkindale, D (2007), 'An examination of the factors contributing to adoption of online information services', Information and Management, Chen, Y-H & Corkindale, D (2007), 'An examination of the factors contributing to adoption of online information services', Information and Management.
3.2011,Chen, Y-H & Corkindale, D (2006), 'The Adoption of Online Information Service: Extensions to TAM', paper presented at the ANZMAC conference 2006, QUT, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.